Sunday, April 19, 2015

Supreme Commander 2

                Supreme Commander 2 is a game that was released it 2010. This used to be a game that I played all the time. This game was developed by Gas Powered Games and was released by Square Enix. This game was first released to Steam and then later came out for Xbox.

                Supreme Commander 2 is a real-time strategy game. You don’t play as a certain character you just control all the different units on the field. You start out with a lone Command Unit which you can use to build buildings which produce resources. The two resources that all building use are energy and mass. Your Command Unit can also build factories which produce units that you use to fight. You can build three types of factories; land, air, and sea. Each of these factories build different units but all of them can build engineers. Engineers can also build buildings. All three of the factories can be upgraded which unlocks more units. The highest level of engineer can create experimental units which are the most powerful units but take a very long time to build and requires an excess amount of resources. The main goal of the game is to destroy the opponents Command Unit.

                Supreme Commander 2 also has a single player mode where you join one of the three armies and go through missions where each mission you unlock more units but the enemy also gets harder to defeat. I never really liked the campaign in this game however. I don’t really think that this is the type of game that needs to have a single player mode. However I did really like playing the skirmish mode. This is basically a mode where you get to decide every aspect of a battle. You get to decide the map, how many players, and what you have to do to win. You can play against the computer or play against other real players.

                I have always really enjoyed this game. However there is a very steep learning curve. When you first start out you will have no idea what you’re doing. The campaign is very good at teaching you how to play but it can get boring just playing with the very basics. There are also tutorial videos that you can watch but you can’t skip through them and watching all of them takes a very long time. Once you figure out how to play the game gets very fun. Only play this game if you have a lot of patience however. Most games that you play will take over an hour and some will take a lot longer. Building really powerful units can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes if not longer.  You don’t have to play a game all in one sitting if you are playing the computer however. You can save a game and then continue playing later on.

(Word Choice: 485)

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