Two and a Half Men is a comedy sitcom that began on CBS on
September 22, 2003. It stars (or used to star) Charlie Sheen playing as a
jingle writer named Charlie Harper. His brother, named Alan, is played by Jon
Cryer and Alan’s son is played by Angus T. Jones. This show has been going on
for eleven seasons with the twelfth and final season starting in October of
Harper lives a very hedonistic lifestyle. He lives in a beach house in Malibu
with housekeeper named Berta. When Alan gets divorced by his wife Judith, he
moves in with Charlie with his son coming over to stay on the weekends. This
causes an issue because Alan is kind of uptight and Charlie is really laid back
and doesn’t really care about anything. Charlie is also being stalked by his next-door
neighbor named Rose.
In the
sixth season Charlie gets engaged with a girl named Chelsea. However the
relationship fails and Chelsea breaks off the engagement. Before this Charlie
never really had a girlfriend but brought home many different women. Alan has little
success in his relationships. He gets married to a girl named Kandi but soon
they break up and he has to pay alimony to both of his ex-wives. Alan ends up
dating the mom, named Lyndsey, of one of Jake’s friends. They break up when
Alan cheats on her and burns down her house but eventually get back together.
In the beginning
of the ninth season it is revealed that Charlie died when he fell in front of a
train in Paris after he left to travel there with Rose. The beach house is sold
to Walden Schmidt who is a billionaire that is going through a divorce with a
woman named Bridget. Alan goes to live with his mom but Walden invites Alan and
Jake to move back in with him after he gets lonely. The show continues with
Alan and Walden living together with Jake enrolling in the army.
Sheen was kicked off the show after he criticized the executive producer Chuck
Lorre. Sheen had begun drug rehabilitation shortly before this had happened. He
was replaced by a new character played by Ashton Kutcher. Charlie Sheen got
hired to star in a new show called Anger Management. However Charlie Sheen has
said that he wants to return to the show and that Chuck Lorre is considering
putting him back in.
(Word Count: 410)